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A crime, typically one involving violence, regarded as more serious than a misdemeanor, and usually punishable by imprisonment for more than one year or by death.
Murder is not a complicated crime that is primarily based on the accused's mindset. Keep reading why this one fact can make a big difference.
On first glance, these crimes are reprehensible. But they are not so clear cut to prove or defend. An experienced attorney is needed to guide a client through the maze of these cases.
Breaking and entering, damaging a vehicle, and stealing come to mind. But did you know you could be subject to this crime by making a seemingly innocent purchase? Read on to find out what we mean and learn how to protect yourself.
This pandemic plagues our communities, friends, and sometimes our own families. knowing how amounts, packaging, and your previous record impact your outcomes is vital to a positive outcome.
We all know the baseball rule of "three strikes and you're out."
But did you know it also applies to the law? Keep reading to learn more.